Normal is a four letter word. Extraordinary is the new black.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A day to breathe out...

This is post two in a series of four posts about our trip to Oregon. For the other three posts, click herehere, and also here.

When I woke up this morning (at 6:30-Oy!!), the sun was shining and the kids were still asleep. In the summer all three of them like to have summer sleepovers together. They choose this, and while I know that this will not always be the case, I won't pretend I don't love it like crazy that at this point in time, they still happily do.

This was the view from the deck this morning. There were people already out, walking on the beach, and while I wanted to join them, I decided to try for just five more minutes of sleep.

By 8:30, we were all up and ready to explore the beach before breakfast.

Our hotel was built in the 1930's and was originally built as apartments. It has a pretty awesome history and the new owners have been doing a ton of work to restore it.

I showed Graysen and Lorelei that you could play jump rope with a piece of kelp, but they couldn't find anyone willing to skip. They were a little off in their timing, which might have been part of the problem.

Lorelei decided that this piece of kelp was her puppy, and she dragged it down the beach. Every so often, she would turn and whistle at it to be sure it continued following.

After breakfast, we did a little exploring in the city, but the beach was calling us, and so we answered.

Graysen will tell you that he doesn't like the beach and that the sand feels yucky. I'm sure that if you were here, his disgust would be obvious, by the way he skips happily into the waves, dancing and laughing. His constant rolling in the sand, and requests to be buried in it are also clear indicators of his discontent.

Today Caylen taught me how to throw a football properly. That was all kids of awesome.

Somewhere between football on the beach and momma burying two kids in the sand, the clouds rolled in. It stayed warm though, and daddy was happy flying a kite, so no rush to leave. Besides, I had two kids happily immobilized in the sand.

Lorelei made a few sand angels, and insisted on drawing in the halos. Finally, once everyone had their fill, we headed in for a swim in the pool.
In the court yard by our room, there are four fire bowls, and we decided to roast hot dogs tonight for dinner, followed by a movie in our room.

Lorelei ended the night with S'mores and while the kids fell asleep, hubby and I sat on the deck and enjoyed the angry ocean. Tomorrow, a search for sand dunes, or perhaps sea lions, or maybe a lighthouse or two.


  1. Great shots from what seems like a fun day! Love the mermaid on the beach! What a lovely view from your hotel! How lovely to hear the ocean as it lulled you to sleep! Must have been relaxing.....
    I must make more time to pop down to the beach, its been way too long!

  2. What a perfect place to end your holidays! Love the little mermaid :-)

  3. Lovely photos, looks like you're having a fabulous time! I love the beach mermaid too :)


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